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Applying for the college
Boarding facilities at John Curtin
Residency and Enrolment queries
Applying for the college
Year 11 Enrolments:
Does John Curtin use the sibling rule?
Applying for the college
My child is going into Year 7 next year. How do I enrol them in your College?
Applying for the college
How do I apply for a GAT program?
Gifted and Talented
What is the Gifted and Talented Program?
Gifted and Talented
Can I visit the College for a tour?
Is the Gifted and Talented program a scholarship?
Gifted and Talented
Do you offer Football as a specialist program?
Football Program
Young audience members
How does my child apply for a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Program?
Gifted and Talented