Nathan has been working in schools for 19 years as a teacher, which has included time spent as a Level 3 Classroom Teacher, Head of Learning Area – Science and Teacher Development School Coordinator amongst other roles and responsibilities. Nathan holds a degree in Environmental Science, a Diploma of Education and a Masters of Education in which he researched cognitive acceleration in science. He has just finished a nine year stint as a member of the college board, sits on a primary school board, the Science Teachers Association of Western Australia (STAWA) board and is chair of the Chemical Education group for the WA Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. He is a former president of the Australian Science Teacher’s Association.
Nathan embodies College values of inspiring the mind, nurturing the person, learning for life and connecting with the community as well as being a passionate scientist and practitioner who values the role of the Arts as a vehicle for STEM education and the development of engaged citizens with a love of, and appreciation of the sciences, and the growth of learners with atomic, future-focussed skills.