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Attendance Policy 2022

We want to make sure all students receive the best education possible which is why attending school every day is so important.

To notify John Curtin College of the Arts of an absence, appointment or early exit please contact the school using one of the options below:

SMS: 0418 902 973

Phone: 9435 0744

Email: [email protected]

Any student needing to leave school grounds MUST have parental permission and sign out at Students services and sign in on return (if applicable). Student must carry a JC KIOSK pass out which includes time, reason and a student photo.

If a child misses that equals…. which is …… over 13 years that is ….. 
1 day per fortnight 

(90% attendance) 

20 days in a year  4 weeks per year nearly 1.5 years 
1 day per week 

(80% attendance) 

40 days per year 13.5 nearly 3 years 
2 Days per week 

(60% attendance) 

80 days per year  


18 nearly 6 years 
3 Days per week 

(40% attendance) 

120 days per year 


24 nearly 9years 
NB: This table assumes a 4 terms, 10 weeks per term.   

Lateness – Punctuality matters.

At John Curtin we recognise and are sympathetic to the fact there are legitimate occasions when students will arrive late. As partners with you in your child’s education, we are obliged to point out that reduced attendance due to lateness has a significant impact on learning.

Students arriving late to school need to go to Student Service and collect a late slip via the Kiosk System. Lateness must also be explained via SMS, phone call or email.

Did you know?

If your child is 10 minutes late every day;

If your child is 10 minutes late a day 

50 minutes a week 

(approx. 1 period) 


3 hours and 20 min minutes in 4 weeks  

 A half school day 


8 hours and 20 minutes in a term 

 1 and a half school days 


25 hours a year 

5 and a half days 

While this might not sound like much, please consider that routine lateness to school will mean a loss of class time exclusively in their first period units. For example, if a child is regularly twenty minutes late every Thursday and that happens to be one of their two computer studies classes each week, they would lose approximately 20% of their total contact time for that unit every week.

Holidays & Leave of Absence

There is no legal entitlement to holidays or leave of absence during term time.

A leave of absence can now only be authorized in exceptional circumstances. Holidays are not deemed to be exceptional circumstances and therefore will not be authorised. If a parent wishes to request a Leave of Absence then a formal request must be made via email stating the dates of the absence and giving details of the exceptional circumstances which they feel warrant the request.

Email: [email protected]