General information
Our vision is to create a vibrant and successful secondary College with a culture of success and a comprehensive curriculum to enable your child to aspire to excellence.
College First Day for Students
The payment of voluntary contributions and compulsory charges can be accepted prior to the first day for students at our administration building which will open on Wednesday 29 January, 2025 at 8:00am. Normal office hours recommence on this day.
Some of our families may be eligible for the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS) which includes the Education Program Allowance (EPA) and Uniform Allowance. Please refer below for further information and guidance surrounding these allowances. You can access the application form here.
or alternatively collect from our administration office.
Please make sure you bring any relevant concession cards with you when submitting this form for processing.
Personal items
Recommended personal and stationery items are detailed on the relevant Resource List for each year group. Items may be purchased from Campion, our preferred supplier or parent/carers have the option of shopping around. If you intend using Campion please follow the instructions on the document/s.
SmartRider Cards
SmartRider cards are ordered for all new students on commencement and arrive by Week 4 of Term 1. The cost of the initial card is $5.00. All cards include a photo for identification purposes. Replacement cards can be issued at the cost of $5.00 per card. Students are requested to pay this via the Qkr! payment method or at the Learning Centre before the replacement card can be ordered. Further information is available in the Student – Parent Handbook and on our website.
Student lockers
A limited amount of lockers will be available for student use in 2025. Students must provide their own padlock to secure the locker at all times. Locker use ends at the conclusion of the College Year.
Small, medium and large lockers are available for students at no cost.
If students wish to use a locker:
1. Select a locker through the allocation system, wait for confirmation of locker number.
2. Put belongings in locker
3. Apply a padlock.
· The locker is secure at all times. A padlock must be provided by student.
· Only 1 locker per student.
· Students may share a locker.
· The student(s) are responsible for their locker. Any damage to the locker and subsequent repairs due to neglect may be the subject of additional costs for the student(s).
· It is the responsibility of the student(s) for maintaining a clean and food free locker.
· No graffiti in or on the locker. Should this appear during the term of hire, the student(s) must clean it up, subject to the satisfaction of the College Engagement Centre.
· The student(s) are responsible for removing the padlock and all belongings, rubbish, etc by Monday Week 10 of Term 4. Should the padlock not be removed by this time then the padlock will be cut off and belongings donate to charity.
· Misuse will cancel your opportunity to use a locker.
· All belonging in the locker are the responsibility of the student(s). The college takes no responsibility for any belongings damaged or stolen from lockers.
Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS)
Education program allowance
Applications close Friday 11 April 2025
The Western Australian Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs. The Education Program Allowance will be paid directly to the college and will be applied to charges in the first instance, with any residual to be applied to the voluntary contributions (for years 7-10). For Year 11 & 12 students in receipt of the allowance, the funds will be applied directly to Compulsory Charges. The allowances below are available to secondary students providing the eligibility criterion is met. Education Program Allowance Applications close Friday 11 April 2025.
The allowance consists of two components:
- $235.00 Education Program Allowance paid directly to the college and applied to charges for Years 7 – 12 as stated above.
- $300.00 Clothing allowance paid directly to the parent/carer or to the college if you wish the money to be allocated towards college compulsory charges.
Eligibility criteria
The parent or carer must be the holder of a card that is valid during first term. The only exception to this is when a student holds a health care card in their name and is declared an independent youth by the Department of Human Services (Centrelink) (e.g. living away from home). In this instance, a letter of confirmation from Centrelink needs to accompany the application. Parent or carer must hold one of the following cards:
· Centrelink Family Health Care Card
· Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
· Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card (blue card only)
The allowance is paid up to and including the year the student turns 18 years of age. Applications are made by the parent or carer for students enrolled in Years 7 – 12. Application forms are to be completed at the college during term one and close Friday 11 April, 2025.
The SAS comprises an education program allowance ($235) which is paid to the college and will be applied to charges in the first instance with any residual to be applied to the voluntary contributions (for Years 7-10)and a clothing allowance ($300) which is paid to the parent.
Parents and guardians can choose to pay the clothing allowance to the school for other expenses.
For Year 11 and 12 students in receipt of the allowance, the funds will be applied directly to compulsory charges.
Processing of payment
These forms are forwarded electronically to the Department of Education Financial Planning and Resourcing Directorate after the closing date (11 April, 2025) for processing of the uniform allowance. All payments to parents/carers’ are expected to be received by 30 May 2025.
Late applications
Late applications will only be accepted in extenuating circumstances and must be accompanied with a written explanation. Eligible interstate or overseas students who are enrolled after first term may apply for the allowance. Date of enrolment must be noted on the application.
Payment of Contribution and Charges
We believe that the best way to provide a quality education is through the provision of resources and equipment for our students. These resources and equipment, although supported by our public education system, are also provided through the payment of contributions and charges. We have endeavoured to keep these contributions and charges to a minimum; however, your support in paying those listed here for your child will enable our College to enhance our initial buildings and learning environments. We recommend you start making plans now so that you are in a position to pay your voluntary contributions and compulsory charges prior to the end of Term 1. Funds collected within the year are spent on resources for that year. We appreciate that the payment of these contributions and charges can be a financial burden for some families. Should you be experiencing difficulties with making these payments, please contact our administration office.
The College makes provision for the following payment options:
Payment Plan
Utilising BPOINT for credit card payments, Direct Debit and Qkr!
To download the Payment Plan form click here.
BPAY using the information on the Contributions & Charges Sheet eg: Student Number (SN).
Internet Banking to: BSB: 066 040 Account No: 19902167. Please ensure the following information is entered in the details section:
- Name, Yr, SN – (located on the Contributions & Charges Sheet eg: John Smith Yr8 24458404)
Qkr! Payments – download Qkr! by Mastercard
Phone/device App download Qkr! by MasterCard for iPhones/iPads or Android Computer go to
To make payments select John Curtin College of the Arts from ‘Nearby locations’ or type John Curtin College of the Arts.
Credit Card
Visa or MasterCard only. By completing the credit card information at the bottom of the Contributions & Charges Sheet and posting to the College.
Telephone or in person
By telephone using credit card facilities on 9435 0753.
In person during office hours (8:00am – 4:00pm).
Contribution and Charges information
The following information is provided in the hope of making the College charges and contributions structure clear for parents and carers. John Curtin College of the Arts – College Board have directed their efforts towards keeping costs as low and as equitable as possible. The College Board has ratified the contributions and charges structure and has approved the amounts shown in accordance with the School Education Act 1999(WA).
Where do contributions and charges go?
Some examples include: ingredients in food production, art, wood and metal consumables, science consumables, external instructors, replacement and maintenance of technologies and sporting equipment. For Years 7 to 10 the maximum voluntary contributions a College may charge is currently fixed at $235.00, however additional compulsory charges for course electives eg. Technologies, Arts, Photography and Textiles can be requested for consumables and additional resources. For Years 11 and 12 there are no maximum charges set by the State Government. Schools endeavour to set their own charges for these years and such charges are compulsory. (The school can also request a 50% confirmation charge for these years).
Voluntary Contribution Years 7 – 10
Revenue collected from your voluntary contributions is used to help cover expenses for students in compulsory learning areas. Examples of these expenses are mathematics, english, science, humanities and social science course materials, physical education equipment, information & communication technology (ICT) equipment, information technology network, electronic and photocopied materials. Voluntary Contributions are directly applied to each learning area to support your child’s education by enabling the school to purchase extra materials, services and resources that are used daily in the classroom. At $235.00 per year, this works out to less than $6 per week or $58.78 per term
Compulsory Charges
Extra cost courses (electives) outside the basic core program incur additional charges above the voluntary contribution of $ Gifted and Talented courses, sports, visual art, woodwork, metalwork and food technologies attract compulsory charges for items such as consumable materials and venue hire. The School of Instrumental Music (SIM) program also incurs extra charges. Charges relate to items that students consume over and above what is supplied by the Department of Education. Charges for electives are required to be paid in full by 7 March 2025. Charges for high-cost electives (over $55.00) are required to be paid in full by Friday 11 April, 2025.
Year 11 and 12 Student Charges
All subject costs for Year 11 and Year 12 students are considered to be charges and therefore payment is compulsory. Charges will depend upon the course chosen. Some specific courses will incur higher costs. These are due to items such as text books, subject specific resources, materials, excursions, certificates and work placement. Students involved in work placement must pay the associated fees prior to commencement of the work placement. All charges are required to be paid in full by Friday 11 April, 2025.
Who should pay?
Given that all students benefit from the pool of collected fees, it is fair to expect that all parents or carers should pay the balance of voluntary contributions and charges. All would agree that it is unfair for those parents or carers who meet their financial commitments to be seen to subsidise the education of those students whose parents or carers do not pay their contributions and charges. The College is committed to an even-handed and responsible approach so that all parents or carers should make contributions towards their children’s education.
A Compassionate View
The College is only too aware that the payment of College contributions and charges can be a burden for some families. Part payments and deferred payments are available to support parents or carers experiencing difficulties. However, we do need to talk to you about this. Ignoring accounts and reminders is unhelpful to all parties. The College is also keen to assist parents or carers in selecting options that they can afford. To this end subject charges will always be provided to parents or carers prior to selection of subjects.
Collecting Contributions & Charges
John Curtin College of the ARTS College Board encourages early payment each year. In support of the college, the College Board endorse the following actions:
· Statements of your outstanding amounts will be emailed out once a term to the fee biller until cleared.
· Compulsory charges unpaid as of Friday 19 December 2025 may be referred to a debt collection agency unless prior arrangements have been made.
· If payment of course charges has not been received, or a payment plan put in place, the college reserves the right to transfer the student into an alternative course that provides an appropriate education pathway for the student.
· Please note that outstanding charges remain on the student’s account and will be rolled over to the following year.
· Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 high-cost subjects may require a 50% confirmation charge prior to enrolment.
Year 7 – 12 Extra Costs
Year 7 – 12 Extra Costs Optional Components Of Education Programs including anticipated excursions, incursions, College Camps And Competitions:
In accordance with the School Education Act 1999, the college must provide information to parents and carers that include a maximum estimate of anticipated additional costs for your child by 1 December each year for the forthcoming year. Please be aware that these are not confirmed services, facilities and activities and therefore some may not necessarily occur during the school year. The additional costs per student may be up to $1000 in any one instance (excluding interstate and international tours). Parents and carers will be contacted with the details concerning the activity closer to the actual date informing them of the relevant costs.
Voluntary approved requests
ICT Support
This $85.00 cost is used towards the resourcing and updating of ICT materials for all students. It’s a valuable resource in assisting your child with their education programs and having access to the most up to date and modern technology. The Department of Education provides limited funding to provide resources for this purpose.
Learning Centre Contribution
The Learning Centre contribution of $15.00 is used by the College to purchase a large and expansive range of equipment and books. The Department of Education provides limited funding to provide resources for this centre.
College Buildings and Grounds
The College earnestly seeks your continued support by appealing to parents and carers for a contribution of $10.00 per student. This amount appears on the College contributions sheet. This contribution enables the College to continue to support improvements to the College grounds and classrooms for student use.
College Pastoral Care
A payment of $30.00 is used to support the presence of a non-denominational chaplain who is an integral part of the college’s college engagement centre’s program and is not an employee of the Department of Education. This position is solely funded by the community and your donations.
Parents and Citizens (P&C) Contributions
The P&C is comprised of voluntary members who make a vital contribution to the College. The $30.00 contribution enables the P&C to fund various school projects for the benefit of our students, parents, teachers and the general community
Other optional costs
School Yearbook
Encore, the College magazine is available for all students at the end of the year for a cost of $25.00.
Year 12 Yearbook
This yearbook is compiled by the Year 12 Student Council, cost will be advised upon completion of the booklet and will be available at the Year 12 Breakfast later in the year.
College Diary/Planner
A College diary is supplied at the cost of $15.00 per year. The diary is a John Curtin College of the Arts specialised planner with relevant information provided.
Papercut Print Services
Upon payment, a $10.00 credit will be linked to the student’s education account. It can be used for colour printing and copying at the student’s request. This replaces the current system of cash payable in the Learning Centre.
The Legal Position
The State government through the Department of Education provides placement at educational facilities for all students who choose to attend government schools. The Department also pays for the salaries and wages of all teaching and school support staff plus costs such as repairs, maintenance and utilities. The government does not provide for many of the goods and services which students need and it is reasonable for parents and carers to meet these costs.