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Feature news

  • Gold for JCCA National Recognition for VET Excellence

    • Awards + Achievements

    Dec 17th, 2024

  • JCCA Alum Shines Bright: Declan Daines Joins Queensland Ballet

    • Alumni

    Dec 17th, 2024

  • John Curtin College of the Arts Teacher Wins Prime Minister’s Prize for Science Teaching 

    • Awards + Achievements

    Oct 17th, 2023

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At John Curtin College of the Arts we strive to provide a holistic education for all students with a focus on pursuing personal excellence in learning for life.

Our students use their love and passion for the Arts to help them achieve their academic goals and become confident, creative and tolerant community members and leaders. 


At the College we all have responsibility to promote and support approaches to create positive mental and physical health.  Our focus on wellbeing aims for all students to be healthy, happy, successful and productive individuals who are active and positive contributors to the College and society in which they live. 

Student care is central to everything we do to meet the personal, social and academic needs of students through relationships, engagement, support and respect. 

Connecting with each other to promote a sense of belonging encourages positive contributions and learning for life.

STEM Learning

Our whole College pedagogical approach to STEM practice is integrated through a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach across all learning areas, enabling students to be adaptable in today’s ever changing environment.

STEM learning doesn’t replace existing curriculum models but enhances the strengths of each subject area.

By promoting STEM practices in all learning areas, such as English, HASS, Media, Physical & Health Education and the Arts this collaboration provides the opportunity to teach practice and theory in concert- leading to a greater appreciation and comprehension of both.

Find out more here.

Learning beyond the classroom

We provide our students with opportunities outside the curriculum in order to extend what they learn from our classroom teachers. The importance of processes such as rehearsal, workshops and production emphasises skills that are vital for any future career and workplace.


Ultimately the Arts is and has always been about others. About acceptance. About tolerance. Being in an environment that acknowledges the importance of the Arts and values and promotes the contributions to an individual’s growth, our students learn vital attributes in developing empathy and the understanding of others.

Aboriginal Cultural Framework

We are continuously developing our cultural responsiveness by greater awareness and application of the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework, ongoing professional learning from Elders and nominated Aboriginals in the community, working with Aboriginal artists, having meaningful curriculum content and professional conversations to foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. 

Student Voice

Members of our College treat each other with respect, care and compassion and listening to our student voice helps to build confidence and prepare young people for roles in society. Our students have unique perspectives on their learning and listening to the collective student voice means that we listen to and respond to what really matters to students.

Our students actively participate in their schools, communities and the education system, contribute to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas