Nationally Accredited Programs
As a Registered Training Organisation John Curtin College of the Arts (RTO 50549) provides Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses in Arts related industries that involve industry standard training and recognition.
Our students leave the College with a nationally accredited industry qualification that will assist them in either further tertiary study or in the workforce.
Certificate Courses
CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries: Media (Year 11 and 12)
CUA30120 Certificate III in Dance (Gifted and Talented) (Year 10-12)
CUA30120 Certificate III in Dance: Contemporary Dance(Year 11 and 12)
CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries: Front of House (Year 9 – 12)
CUA30920 Certificate III in Music: Music (Year 12)
CUA30920 Certificate III in Music: Music Theatre (Year 12)
CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries: Production (Year 11 and 12)
CUA20720 Certificate II in Visual Arts: Design (Year 11 and 12)
John Curtin College of the Arts has partnered with the following Registered Training Organisations (RTO) through an auspiced arrangement to deliver:

IVET institute (RTO 40548) SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation: (Year 11 and 12)

COSAMP (RTO 41549) CUA30920 Certificate III in Music: Music (Year 11 and 12) and CUA30920 Certificate III in Music: Music Theatre (Year 11 and 12)
For specific course details please refer to the Lower school, Year 11 and Year 12 Course Guide.
If you require further information on VET courses please contact the Director of VET on 08 9435 0750.