The John Curtin College of the Arts Parents and Citizens Association is a vibrant, enthusiastic group who promote the interests of the school community for the benefit of students, parents, teachers, and general community.
The P&C helps by:
- Assisting parents and families of JCCA students to feel welcome, informed and socially connected.
- Providing parents with learning opportunities to support positive relationships with their child for education and for life.
- Providing resources and advocacy for the school.
- Encouraging parents to participate and get involved in the school community.
- Undertaking commitments that reflect the priorities, focus areas and values of the JCCA Business Plan.
Examples of initiatives in the past year include supporting the Year 7 Orientation Day, sponsoring a Year 12 prize, delivering the parent conversation series, applying for grants, and providing advocacy on behalf of the school community to create a better future.
Learn more about the P&C in the welcome document here.
Ideas for new P&C projects are always welcome and you can send them to [email protected] at any time for consideration.
Membership to the P&C is open to parents, guardians and carers of students at JCCA, as well as any citizen who considers they can contribute positively to the school community.
Any person is welcome to attend P&C meetings and events. If you would like to vote at meetings and receive meeting agendas/minutes or other communication, please complete the annual membership form and pay the annual $1 fee.
P&C Membership forms are available at every meeting or available via the online Google Form JCCA P&C Membership Form 2022.
Please complete and pay the nominal $1 membership. Bank details are included in the form.
The P&C holds regular meetings to present reports, hold discussions and make decisions on issues relevant to P&C activities. Everyone is welcome.
All P&C meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of every month (except for the school holidays) at 7pm in the JCCA staff room or online and aim to be finished by 8.30 pm. Meetings are followed by an opportunity to mingle with other P&C members and the Principal and guest teachers over a cup of tea or coffee.
The following P&C general meeting dates and events are scheduled for 2024:
- February 7th – Online
- March 6th AGM and General meeting – Staff room
- May 1st – Online
- June 5th – Staffroom
- August 7th – Online
- September 4th – Staffroom
- November 6th – Online
- December 4th – Staff room
P&C Facebook Group
The John Curtin College of the Arts Parents and Citizens Association have recently set up a new Facebook Group. Click here to join the group and keep up to date with what’s happening at the school and the P&C.
2022 P&C Executive Committee Members
The current P&C Committee Members are:
President: Kylie Lovelock
Vice President: Sally Mullins
Treasurer: Angela Fisher
Secretary: Laura Beilby
Executive Committee Members: Anne Fairbanks, Jo Joyce, Emilia Uzir, Jane Cunneen
Communications: Ash Roberts
Principal Travis Vladich
There may be occasions when the Executive Committee meets separately, however, these meetings are infrequent. Minutes of any Executive Committee meetings will be reported at the next general meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) occurs annually in March. All officer bearer positions will become vacant. Nominations and voting can only be undertaken by financial members. New members are welcome to join and pay $1 on the night.
The AGM will include presentation of reports, election of office bearers, appointment of auditor, appointment of WACSSO delegate and confirmation of bank signatories.
Conversation Series
The P&C delivers a series of presentations for parents covering a vast number of topics that encourage lifelong learning. The conversation series is scheduled for week 7 at 7pm every term. Topics are tailored to help you communicate, understand and support your child in their college journey. Other topics focus on the wellbeing of adults, and some topics are purely for the joy of deep-diving into a subject matter of interest.
Previous presentations have included the teenage brain, gut health, cyber-security, resilience, study hacks, restorative practice, learning differences, raising boys and more.
The Conversation Series is held in the college classrooms or theatre, normally with several concurrent topics to choose from.
Registrations for attendance can be made online through Trybooking and often book out, so when the topics are released we encourage you to book early!
If you have a particular topic of interest that you would like included in the Conversation Series, or know a presenter that could be suitable, please email the P&C.
The P&C strives to meet its governance obligations. The JCCA P&C is:
- An incorporated entity (A0820896Y), registered on 04/04/1984 and legislated by the Associations Incorporation Act 2015.
- Registered as a Charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC).
- A member of the WA Council of State School Organisations Inc (WACSSO).
The JCCA P&C reviewed, endorsed and registered its Constitution in October 2019. The constitution sets out the governing rules of the P&C. The constitution can be viewed here: P&C Constitution
Welcome Pack
Find out more on our amazing community in document below:
Contact the P&C
The P&C email inbox is checked frequently so you should receive a reply within a couple of days. Mail sent via the school address is checked monthly.
Email: [email protected]
Address: 90 Ellen Street, Fremantle WA 6160 (JCCA)
Phone: 9435 0700 (JCCA)