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Feature news

  • Gold for JCCA National Recognition for VET Excellence

    • Awards + Achievements

    Dec 17th, 2024

  • JCCA Alum Shines Bright: Declan Daines Joins Queensland Ballet

    • Alumni

    Dec 17th, 2024

  • John Curtin College of the Arts Teacher Wins Prime Minister’s Prize for Science Teaching 

    • Awards + Achievements

    Oct 17th, 2023

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At John Curtin College of the Arts the learning process is an ongoing cycle that connects every learning experience. Inspiring, nurturing, learning and connecting equips our students with the ability to influence and ‘create tomorrow’. We have high expectations for every student in every classroom every day. Dynamic approaches and engaging material inspire our students. They are nurtured on their learning journey, using our knowledge of their needs to differentiate learning. Lifelong skills for inquiry, critical and creative thinking and reflection are embedded. Active learning fosters connections between self, others and the community. Emphasising the importance of connection and collaboration, drives future learning through curiosity and student efficacy.

Our dedicated teachers who are chosen specifically for their specialist knowledge and expertise, are committed to providing a comprehensive educational program that develops and supports excellence in all aspects of education.

Professional Learning Academy

The Professional Learning Academy (PLA) is an initiative in enhancing student learning through intellectual conversations with people who are passionate about education. The PLA is a platform for collaborative sharing broadening cross curricular opportunities and learning.

Our staff meet fortnightly as well as offer additional sessions to continue the professional conversations.

The Professional Learning Academy (PLA) hosts five workshop opportunities:

Academy Sessions

Our Academy Sessions provide an opportunity for teachers to share innovative best practice. These sessions aim to explore modern pedagogy and empower our educators with knowledge and techniques that will help them become better practitioners. The PLA strives to provide worthwhile teaching and learning opportunities for our staff to continuously improve and keep up to date with best practices including:

  • Discussing readings and current educational trends and/or philosophies to improve pedagogy and enhance student learning,
  • teaching the Teachers where staff model learning experiences and examples of best practice. The presenter will teach the teachers as if they are a class of students, focusing on authentic, hands on learning, and reflective practices,
  • speakers’ Corner where staff seek solutions from collaborative and collegial discussions,
  • learning from the Learners where staff bring back insights from professional learning experiences/conferences/external speakers.

Guest Presentations

When opportunities arise, the College brings in guest speakers to present on topics that will provide further knowledge for not just our teaching staff, but also our executive team and administration.


This initiative is based on sharing the knowledge and specialties of our staff with the wider community. Our role as Teacher Development School for the Arts compliments this outreach.

Teachers experience professional learning experiences outside of the College and share back to their colleagues through the Academy Sessions.

Teachers deliver at other schools, universities and conferences. These teachers will also share their knowledge and experiences through the Academy Sessions.

Our STEM TDS team has delivered outreach and requested professional development (PD) to over 120 primary and secondary school students, teachers and leadership groups as well as provided resources to every school in WA through our networks.

Professional Learning Days

Whole College initiative that focuses on the targets and aligning with the Business Plan and College priorities and includes focus areas: Strategic Planning, AITSL Standards, Data Analysis, College Values, College Priorities, Pedagogy, Curriculum Development and Sharing Best Practice

The Conversation Series

In this series we aim to build stronger relationships between the College and our families through rich conversations. These conversations often draw from academy sessions to allow our community to share the information and goals that are driving our staff and students.  

Our College is a Teacher Development School (TDS) for STEM, which involves facilitating professional development for other teachers in more than 400 schools throughout Western Australia.

Given the exemplary teachers in our College, the initial platform was sharing the skills, knowledge and experience we have, with each other. This then inspired the forming of the PLA and our Academy sessions.

Our staff meet fortnightly as well as offering additional sessions to continue the professional conversations. We also offer additional workshops depending on opportunities offered to the College. The Academy provides opportunities for our staff to deliver professional learning and develop leadership skills.

More about JCCA