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All help
Orientation FAQ
Applying for the college
BYOD Information
Bring your own device
Booking Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent information
Boarding facilities at John Curtin
Residency and Enrolment queries
Applying for the college
Does John Curtin have a uniform shop?
School Uniforms
Year 11 Enrolments:
Does John Curtin use the sibling rule?
Applying for the college
My child is going into Year 7 next year. How do I enrol them in your College?
Applying for the college
Can I pick up my child early?
Parent information
Who do I contact for absences?
Student Absentee
How do I contact the school?
Parent information
How do I apply for a GAT program?
Gifted and Talented
What is the Gifted and Talented Program?
Gifted and Talented
What time does school finish today?
Parent information