Welcome to JCCA!
This page is full of useful information to get you started on your journey with us.
First day for Year 7 2024 students
When you arrive at John Curtin College of the Arts you should head straight to the Great Hall, found at the corner of Ellen Street Theatre, across from the Learning centre. Take the time to introduce yourself to your peers, from 8:15 on Wednesday the 31st, you will receive your timetable alongside them and together begin your journey as new students at the College.
Over the next two periods you will:
1. Collect your timetable and sign into the school in the great hall.
2. Be introduced to your peer support leaders and divided into your peer support groups.
3. Participate in getting to know you and your school activities.
4. Have a whole year group photo taken.
5. Participate in a welcome assembly in the quadrangle.
What to bring to school everyday
- Your device
- Student planner/diary
- Pencil case with stationary
- Notebook
Student care
Student care is central to everything we do. Student care is all that a school and community does to meet the personal, social and academic needs of students. We value relationships, engagement, support and respect.
For further information see our Student Services page.
Your Student Services team
Our Associate Principal and Director of Student Services are part of the College Executive and lead the Student Services team in delivering wellbeing and pastoral care. Our Student Services Coordinators support the Associate Principal and Director of Students Services.
Student Services
Associate Principal of Student Services Gavin Bradshaw
Director of Student Services Year 10-12 Melissa Prince
Director of Student Services Year 7-9 Claire Krawzow
Student Service Coordinator Year 7 and 8 Kristi Bates
Student Service Coordinator Year 7 and 8 Jordan Butler
Student Service Coordinator Year 9 and 10 Rob Watt
Student Service Coordinator Year 11 and 12 Daniel Njegich
PROPEL (Providing Real Opportunities + Participation, Empowerment, Learning)
Dr Ivicevic – Director of Learning Support – Propel
Mrs James – Assistant Director
PROPEL provides services for students from Years 7 to 12 and is offered for students who evidence any of the criteria listed here. PROPEL not only provides academic support but also pastoral care.
Many students who attend PROPEL are doing very well at school, they are often in AEP, with most students intending entry to University or TAFE. We offer PROPEL support as a matter of equity, not because of poor achievement. The majority of PROPEL students are performing in the average to excelling range.
We will make a regular time to see you once a week to give extra help and teach you strategies to cope with your schoolwork. PROPEL students have gone on to amazing careers or furthered their learning through university. If you are invited to join we hope you will accept.
EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect)
Mrs Morrissey
This program is part of PROPEL and provides support for students who may need help with their language skills.
This does not always mean your language skills are not sound, but that you may require support to make your writing more developed and sophisticated. You are eligible if you come from a non-English speaking background or speak a language other than English at home regardless of where you were born. This also extends to students who identify as having Indigenous heritage.
Acquiring the necessary skills to complete your class work and assignments can be increasingly difficult throughout secondary school as you are required to write using specialised vocabulary at a more academic level. Good literacy skills are an essential requirement for university entrance.
College Nurses
Mrs Muletta and Ms Hebiton
Our role as College nurses is to promote healthy development and wellbeing to help you reach your full potential and give you the necessary skills to manage your own health. We are available if you need extra help while attending school.
School health services are an easy way for you to access health care and health information. As the College nurse we can be your first interaction with a health professional and we can help you with access to medical care and other health services as required.
We will maintain confidentiality and can help with issues such as:
• Healthy eating and nutrition
• Healthy weight and body image
• Coping with illness
• Feelings of stress, unhappiness or anxiousness
• Mental health and wellbeing
• Loss and grief
• Relationships
• Smoking, alcohol and drug use
• Family and social issues
Your health and safety is important to us and going to Student Services first will ensure that your problem is handled in the best way possible. The Health and Wellbeing Centre is available for student drop-ins before school, after school, and during recess and lunchtime. For all other times you will need to book an appointment through Student Services.
If you have any health concerns between and during classes, an entry by your teacher in the School Planner or a red pass-out slip needs to be obtained before you visit Student Services.
College Psychologists
Ms Alison Monsoon and Ms Hannah Jennings
John Curtin College of the Arts’ Engagement Team strive to be responsive to the needs of individual students.
Psychological Services form part of the Engagement Team. Working together we aim to provide a nurturing and safe environment to support all students.
The College Psychologists’ Role
John Curtin College Psychologists are registered psychologists who apply their expertise in mental health, learning, human development, behaviour, and school systems to support individual students and the whole school to enhance student wellbeing, engagement, and achievement.
The College Psychologists can provide individual counselling support for students on a short-term basis. The College Psychologist liaise with families, teaching staff and external services, and may assist with referrals.
Year 7-9 students and their parents should meet with their Engagement Coordinator to discuss a referral to the College Psychologist. Year 10-12 students can initiate their own referrals by meeting with their Engagement Coordinator.
Careers Coordinator
Mrs Nielsen
Course Advisor
Ms Lynch
We work as part of the Student Services team to advise students and parents about course selections, along with tertiary and vocational options. This includes planning, developing and coordinating course advisory programs with a particular emphasis on Years 10, 11 and 12.
Jeremy Wheaton
I am here primarily to be a caring helper who you can talk to for all those times when life gets a bit messy, frustrating and lonely. Most lunchtimes I run activities like the argument exchange and indoor sports tournaments. During recess I am out and about so don’t be surprised if I stop and talk to you. I want to know who you are and how life is treating you. Teachers tend to borrow me for things like social events and excursions. I also help train the Peer Support team that supports new students to settle into the College. Smile, I photograph all performances and major events at the College. So if you want to see me then catch up with me outside of class time or book an appointment at Student Services. I would love to hear your story.
Contribution and Charges
Fees from contributions and charges are based on the expenses of executing the curriculum associated with that course, such as involving specialist tutors for certain instruments, and failure to pay contributions and charges may have an impact on a child’s ability to participate in their course.
Find out more here.
2024 Resource List
Find out information regarding the 2024 John Curtin College of the Arts Resources List here.
Learning Centre
Come to the Learning Centre and discover a world of information and imagination. We have thousands of books to tempt you as well as magazines, newspapers and access to desktop computers and photocopiers.
Find out more here.
IT Department
Located inside the Learning Centre, the IT Department is a great resource for staff and students.
One of our team members is always available at the IT desk to provide assistance and we are very friendly and approachable. We provide support for accessing the College network and internet, for converting files, and for recovering files. We also provide help with printing, software packages and activations.
If you have an IT question then the best place you can go to is the Learning Centre.
Find out more here.
Example Timetable
See an example of Timetabling here.
Bell times
Find out What time does school finish today?
College map
See the campus map here.
Parents/guardians should be aware that students will require a Student SmartRider to access concession travel on Transperth, bus, rail and ferry services, and TransWA country road and rail services.
For a card to be issued to students, parents/guardians must complete this form.
Positive Learning Environment
Our College provides a values rich culture that celebrates an supports personal integrity, positive behaviour and academic excellence.
Code of Agreement
All students sign a Code of Agreement on entering the College. The Code of Agreement is a commitment between you and the College on how you will conduct yourself while studying at John Curtin College of the Arts.
As per the Code of Agreement you will:
- Strive for academic balance and high standards in all your learning programs.
- Maintain a high level of punctuality and attendance (at least 90%).
- Fulfil all workshop, rehearsal, training and performance commitments.
Your uniform
Our approach for uniform is not only to create a sense of connectedness and community but also to remove social stressors so students don’t have to worry about competing with their peers. This is becoming increasingly important with many studies highlighting the impact of social media and anxieties caused through image.
Wearing College uniform is compulsory, the wearing of which is monitored. Our Uniform Policy is very simple. All garments worn must be the current John Curtin College of the Arts branded uniform items. There is a wide selection of garments and styles you can choose from. Our Uniform Policy sets out all uniform requirements.
Care of personal property
Clothing, bags, books and other items should be clearly marked with your name. The College does not take responsibility for any valuable items lost or stolen so valuables such as skateboards, large sums of money and jewellery must be left at home.
Bags often need to be left outside the Learning Centre, in theatre foyers or on the oval during PE. In this case valuables should be removed. Money and other personal property are your responsibility. We advise you to keep purses and wallets on you at all times. Never carry valuables in the external pockets of your bag where they can be easily accessed by others or fall out.
Lost property
Lost property is handed in at Student Services where it can be claimed by the owner. If it is clearly marked with your name we can let you know it’s been found. Lost property is kept for a period of three months after which time non-uniform items will be donated to charity and uniform items sold to raise funds for the Chaplaincy.
Rewards and Recognition System (RARS)
The Rewards and Recognition System (RARS) is a policy that rewards and recognises positive participation in College life including achievement, progress and good conduct. All students are given the opportunity to improve and this development should be rewarded.
RARS stamps/tokens
Student planners will be stamped by teaching staff to acknowledge your positive efforts. If you have five stamps you earn a blue token from your contact teacher, and can then enter the weekly prize draw by placing the tokens in the RARS bin in Student Services.
Swan Awards
Swan Awards recognise students achievement in Years 8-12 across all learning areas. Based on grades earned each semester, you may be awarded either a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond Swan Award at the end of semester awards assembly. If you maintain Gold or Diamond Swan Awards over two semesters in any one year, you earn a College pin.
Letters of Commendation
Your teachers, Student Services or Executive staff can issue a Letter of Commendation to recognise excellence in academic, social, cultural and community contexts, and are cumulative across all years. Five Letters of Commendation earn a Certificate of Merit and three Certificates of Merit earn a Certificate of Excellence.
Behaviour Management
The College’s Behaviour Management Policy represents a whole school approach towards the achievement of a safe, supportive and respectful environment in which students and staff can strive for excellence in their educational, artistic and sporting pursuits.
Good Standing
All students receive Good Standing at the start of each year and it is important that it is valued and maintained. Students who lose their Good Standing cannot participate in extracurricular activities such as camps, excursions, work experience, social functions, football games or performances that are not an essential part of the education program. Students who have relinquished the right to be of Good Standing should work towards regaining the status.
Suspension Policy
Suspension is invoked in response to a serious anti-social or illegal action by a student and involves being excluded from any school activities, on and off the campus, for the duration of the suspension.
Letters of Concern
Letters of Concern are one of several ways teachers communicate concerns with parents with a view to supporting positive change and improvement.
ICT in the classroom
Quick advice for ICT in the classroom:
- Bring a College approved device to class every lesson.
- Ensure your device has enough charge to last the day.
- You must only connect to the College internet network at school.
- Only use your device for the purposes instructed by your teacher.
- Keep your device organised, the College has a student filing structure to help you make the most of your device.
- Check your College notifications regularly.
- Photography and videography are only permitted under the teacher’s instruction. You must also have consent from the person that you are recording.
- Social media access is not permitted on College grounds.
- Games are not permitted at school unless explicitly instructed by a teacher for educational purposes.
- Having a screen with you doesn’t mean that it has to be on. Only use your device when instructed by the teacher.
- The College has a limited number of devices available for day loans. If you have had a problem with your device see IT before the school day begins to arrange a loan.
- If you run out of charge IT has a limited number of chargers for loan. Go to IT at recess or lunch to borrow one, don’t wait until it is too late.
- If your device regularly runs out of charge, consider bringing a power bank with you.
- If you cannot connect to the internet or are having other problems, ask your teacher or IT for help straight away.
- The College has tools to help with your organisation. If you are having difficulty ask IT or a trusted teacher for support.
- If you are having difficulty with device distraction, there are ways that we can help remove temptation. Seek support through IT or a trusted teacher. We know that sometimes people need a little more help in this area.
Off and Away all day
- Mobile phones should be “off and away all day” from the first bell of the day to the last. This includes recess and lunch.
- During the school day, mobile devices should be turned to silent with no alarms or sound notifications, including vibration setting turned off.
- Mobile devices may be used as an educational resource at the discretion and instruction of teachers.
- Absolutely no mobile devices to be used or present in assessment conditions.
- Phone calls are not to be made or received at any time throughout the College day. Parents can be assured that in an emergency situation, students can be contacted through Student Services.
Forms of Communication
Connecting our community is one of our key values and there are a number of ways the College communicates with you to keep you informed and up-to-date.
Full College assemblies are held in the hall approximately once a term as marked on the College calendar. Year assemblies are held more frequently, as arranged by Student Services. Instructions for student movement and times are issued prior to each assembly.
Our College calendars can be accessed on our website. We advise you to check in regularly as dates and times are subject to change.
Curtin Calls
Curtin Calls is our quarterly digital newsletter distributed to all families. We encourage you to come forward with story ideas. Please let your teachers know of your success stories for promotion in the newsletter and for external media.
Weekly Notices
This is an important communication tool for our school community. Weekly Notices are published on SEQTA on Fridays and students access them in their Contact Class. They are also updated daily if necessary and you will receive them to your email inbox.
Contact Class
Students meet in their Contact Class on Fridays during Period 3. You are given details on this class once you receive your timetable at the beginning of the year. This time is when you receive notes on overdues from the library, communication about events and important information for your parents, and go through the Weekly Notices and what is coming up on the calendar the following week.
Your email address is [email protected] and you must use this email address to receive notifications from Connect, the school and your teachers. You cannot use your personal email address.
Student planner (diary)
Your student planner is also used as a means of communication between your parents and teachers. Concerns about academic progress and/or student behaviour may be flagged via the planner. PROPEL attendance is also noted. It is important that your parents check your student planners to help you with planning and managing competing demands of different subjects.
Website and social media
If you have an Instagram and Facebook account we invite you to follow us as we promote performances at the College, share good news stories, and let you know what happens on a daily basis at school.
Our website is also where you will find links to book tickets to events, to SEQTA and the calendar.
Getting IT Ready for 2024
The BYOD Program (Bring Your Own Device)
A rich suite of opportunities exists for you to be engaged in leadership activities with positions of responsibility ranging from Student Council representatives, to sporting group captains and peer support leaders. Find out more here: Student Council.
Clubs to join
There are many clubs at the College that you can join. Clubs meet either before school or at lunchtimes. Clubs also often participate in competitions. Find out more here: Clubs.
Frequently Asked Questions
For additional information, see our orientation FAQ page.